Sewing Tutorial

The Dry Hot-water bottle

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Looking for a simple, eco-friendly way to warm up or soothe muscular tension? In this quick sewing tutorial, discover how to make a small dry hot water bottle to heat in the microwave.

Easy to sew and reusable, it’ll last all winter without cluttering up your closets.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to make your own personalized hot water bottle and enjoy a moment of relaxation in just a few seconds!

And if you prefer the video tutorial, it’s at the bottom of this article!

Sewing equipment

To sew this dry hot water bottle, you will need :

  • 1 rectangle 15 cm x 28 cm in COTTON.
  • 1 other 15 cm X 34 cm rectangle in fleece fabric.
  • cherry pits or flax seeds.
Material for sewing the dry hot water bottle

The warming pouch

Let’s start with the inside of the hot-water bottle: the pouch containing the cherry stones, which you can remove to heat in the microwave.

Warning: the fabric used for this part must be 100% cotton. The use of synthetic material exposes you to the risk of melting during heating!

You fold your 15 cm X 28 cm rectangle onto itself, and we’ll stitch the 3 sides, but we’ll leave an opening so that we can then turn over and fill the pouch.

Fold and sew, leaving an opening

Through the opening left, you turn over your work. Then fill it with cherry pits or linseed.

Finally, close the opening by topstitching along the opening, as close to the edge as possible.

We fill the bag with cherry pits

The dry hot water bottle cover

Using the 15 cm x 34 cm fleece rectangle, place upside down facing you. Then fold the short sides over 1 cm, and stitch all along.

Sew the ends after folding them over.

Now, facing you, you fold about half the strip in on itself…

Fold down one side, then the other

… and overlap the other part on top. Then machine-stitch the sides with a straight stitch.

Fold down the 2nd flap and sew the sides.

Turn the cover right-side-up, warm up the pouch with the cores and insert it inside! And enjoy!

No more dry hot water bottles! Warmth is yours

Well done!

Step-by-step video

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